Having had a couple of weeks where one problem followed another, blogging slipped to the bottom of my priorities list. Oops.
The two main things that happened were:
My landlady decided that she wants to sell this flat, so I need to find myself a new home
A shelf collapsed and there was a book avalanche and my computer got crushed.
In regards to the computer, I was very sad at first, as we took it round Oz with us when we went, and stupid as it might sound to be sentimental about a computer, I was very fond of it. I knitted it a little carry-case and everything! However, after discovering that the hard drive was all recoverable, I bought a new computer today and am ludicrously happy to be back online.
In regards to the flat-selling, I was hoping to stay here until I graduated at least, perhaps even longer, but this may no longer be on option. Whoever buys it may also want a tenant, but there is no telling at the moment, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up about that too much...
It occurred to me that this would be a good opportunity to do a little online house-tour, so expect pictures soon!
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