Today, I had my end-of-year steel pan recital at University. I hadn't really left myself enough time to prepare (as we had a lot of written work to hand in that took time away from practice), so despite working on my pieces as hard as I could, I made some fairly obvious mistakes in the first set. This brought my mood down considerably and affected the rest of the performance, so by the time I left, I was pretty upset with myself.
I don't have the best self-esteem ever. A lot of the time I feel unhappy with how I look, how well I perform at Uni (both in playing and also in written work), I worry a lot about how employable I'll be when I finish, how good a girlfriend/daughter/friend/flatmate/bandmate/whatever I am. So I was all set to hate myself for doing badly today, but when I got into the house and went to sit on my bed, I found this:
For context, that's me at the front, aged about three, and my big brother Dan assaulting some small boy in the background, aged about five. I have no idea how my parents managed to get this photo, but it's hilarious.
My dad digitized loads of our old family snaps recently, and I printed a bunch of them off to put in frames around my flat - this one is probably my favourite.
But what I found when I looked at it, was that I couldn't hate myself in this context - that girl isn't perfect with her little pot belly and her chubby legs, but I don't think about that. I think about how cute she is with her crazy blonde hair and her little blue swimming costume with bows on it. I wouldn't be angry with her if she made a few mistakes in a performance, I would comfort her. I certainly wouldn't go on about it constantly to make her feel bad. So why should I do it to myself now? Not so much has changed...
Also for your viewing pleasure, this
This (that's compost that I'm eating)(another parental camera moment of hilarity)
And this
Can't hate them either...
Look at that yellow hair and at that face, so sweet :).