Sunday 22 April 2012

Weekend fun

 Planning for the week ahead is something that I should probably do more often, but at the moment it is making me indescribably stressed - I have so much to do, money to worry about, deadlines approaching, travel plans that need to be made (something that always worries me) and much as I am enjoying my new phone, I feel like I'm never properly switched off, always fretting about the next event etc. It feels as though the Easter holidays were 100 years ago! But, I had a lovely weekend, so I may as well post about that instead!
 Went along to the Cumberland arms to watch Will's rapper practice and had some very excellent drinks... not to mention an outstanding fish finger sandwich with lime mayo

Possibly the best piece of toilet graffiti ever?

 However, work on Saturday was a bit of a drag. Hence sad Jamie. We were there for three hours before anyone showed up :(
 But then on Sunday, we went over to Will's folks' place for brunch and a hammer dulcimer sesh - such a lovely instrument, which I borrowed and am trying (with marginal success) to learn a few tunes.
loving my new backpack
I also made chicken soup with kneidlach for supper tonight, which was pretty tasty :) Not too bad a weekend, all in all, now to face the week!

What did you get up to this weekend?

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